Thursday, August 9, 2018

“Lift the hem of your garment to receive”  
God’s abounding gifts and favors with  
“joyous gratitude and radiance”

To count our blessings is to understand the true meaning of wealth, infinity and life!

To be grateful for the blessings of God in time of want and trouble is necessary. In the abundance of blessings everyone can be grateful. It is said that Sultan Mahmud cut a melon and gave a portion of it to Ayaz who ate it cheerfully and expressed gratitude. When the Sultan ate a little of the same melon, he found it bitter. He asked, ‘How did you eat such a bitter melon and show no sign of disliking it?’ Ayaz answered, ‘I had eaten many sweet and palatable things from the hands of the Sultan and I thought it very unworthy of me to express dislike on eating a slightly bitter thing today.’ Thus man, who is immersed in the blessings of God, should not be grieved if he experiences a little trouble. He should not forget the manifold divine bounties.” (Words by `Abdu’l-Baha, 2 September 1912, in Montreal, “Mahmud’s Diary”)

Gratitude and conscious appreciation begins when we empower our attitudes and visions with positive energies, sunny thoughts and enjoyment of however little joys which come our way.  When we pause and care to recognize and count our blessings—which naturally calls for a degree of active vigilance and personal discipline combined with an eager sense of fairness and humility—not taking for granted anyone, or anything, not a bit, not a moment of our lives, we surprisingly realize how much happier we become and how truly lucky each one of us is!

“God’s care and loving-kindness surge even as the eternal billows of the sea and His blessings are continually showered from His eternal Kingdom. Ours should be the prayer that His blessings may be vouchsafed in still greater abundance and ours to hold fast to such means as shall ensure a fuller outpouring of His grace and a greater measure of His divine assistance.  One of the greatest of these means is the spirit of true fellowship and loving communion amongst the friends.  (“Selections From The Writings Of `Abdu’l-Baha”, p. 92)

However blissfully and happily it may be invested with myriad of long years, compared to the spiritual realms of God and eternally infinite worlds following this limited mortal one,  “The life of man in this world is short… one must appreciate every breath of his life and endeavor in that which is conducive to eternal glory.”  (“Tablets of `Abdu’l-Baha”, v.1, p. 206)

“Associate with all in perfect love and kindness; hold all dear and count all friends and familiar ones; know no enemies; imagine no strangers.  Thus mayest thou be a mercy to the people of the world and a source of bounty to the world of humanity.  (“Tablets of `Abdu’l-Baha”, v.1, p. 667)

With such a noble spirit and willingly drawing a conscious outlook, gazing on such a worthy horizon and celebrating life so nobly at its every beat, is the secret and the reward of happiness, successful longevity and real youth.  After all everything that relates to the time and the place, the matters and balancing figures, deductions and sums, are all only relative, passing conditions and mortal.  The age units, for example, and the counts of birth years and adding months and days are merely physical contracts—which are there for certain purposes and needed order in life of course, but are not more really, are less.  Stepping up a pace or two above the worldly grounds and its bumps and pompous rocks, we can and we should change how they operate and influence us and our attitudes and moods.  Doing thus, we sit in command and take charge of our lives at every turn and twist, altering the rules of upsets and obstacles by raising the horizon of our thoughts and actions.  High in spirit and broadened in visions, we then with dilated hearts spread our wings, soar and seek to consort with stars—and living in the joy of becoming a shining one, we haste in chasing and faithfully following “The Moon”!

“The earth is in the motion and growth; the mountains, hills and prairies are green and pleasant; the bounty is overflowing; the mercy universal; the rain is descending from the cloud of mercy; the brilliant Sun is shining; the full moon is ornamenting the horizon of ether; the great ocean-tide is flooding every little stream; the gifts are successive; the favors consecutive; and the refreshing breeze is blowing, wafting the fragrant perfume of the blossoms. Boundless treasure is in the hand of the King of Kings! Lift the hem of thy garment in order to receive it.” (`Abdu’l-Baha; “Baha’i World Faith”, p. 351)
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Timeless Treasures: Words with Meanings
The Day Star "آفتاب جهانتاب" Aftab i Jahantab

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Source of Joy!


"Happiness has a direct influence in preserving our health while being upset causes illness. The basis of eternal happiness is spirituality and divine virtue, which is not followed by sorrow. But physical happiness is subject to a thousand changes and vicissitudes.”  (Words of `Abdu’l-Baha, 19 June 1912, in New York, “Mahmud’s Diary”)


What is the true source of happiness that is supreme and spiritual?


Because of the existence of ‘spirit’ and endowed with its powers—a spirit that is enkindled by the light of faith--man is capable to overcome every hardship, every obstacle, winning them over as a whole or the least able not to be influenced and affected by them.   


The human body like that of the animals’ is of course subject to nature's laws, nature’s limitations, and at times its distressing and destructive pressures. However so, man is blessed to be endowed with another gift far too potent and superior to that of the animals’; and that is his/her rational and intellectual reality, and the intellectual reality of man predominates over the nature and all of its powers.  All these sciences and advancements which we enjoy and benefit from in our lives, have once been hidden and the recondite secrets of the nature, all were unknowable entities even to it, the nature, itself—which it has ever been captive by their rules and concealed mysteries in it itself.  Man, however, was enabled to discover these mysteries, progressed in unraveling the secrets of the existence; he brought the hidden realities out of the plane of the unseen into the plane of the visible and seen.  This proves that human being's existence endows powers and capacities which the nature does not possess. The intellectual faculties and potential capacities of the man are themselves the powers of his superior nature and spiritual reality; that is, his spirit—'the human spirit'. 


Owing to the spirit and its powers, in a like manner that we humans overcome the limitations and pressing rules of the nature, we are capable and could overcome the effects of worldly sorrows, set-backs and calamities which may descend on us in the course of our physical lives—pending of course the relevant development of each of our spirits and spiritual growth at any given time and stage of our existence.  Even if the hardships and struggles coming our ways may affect us, with ever-advancing spiritual strength and ever-growing spiritual powers innate in our souls, they may touch us and our being only on the surface, unable to take away our true joy and happiness.   


Such a joy, such a happiness, created by and nourished and empowered with the spiritual forces of heavenly radiance and faith, will by turn attract positive energies to our thoughts and work, will empower our faculties of mind and its understanding, and will inspire our vision and foresight, leading us up to unimaginable heights of success and felicity.  "Joy gives us wings!"*



“One of the bounties of religion and faith is the attainment of peace of the heart and soul and the joy of spirit and conscience. This station can only be gained through faith and understanding. Peace of mind is the soul's delight, as it is the means of acquiring that extraordinary state in which man finds happiness in times of affliction and tranquillity in trouble. In spite of poverty he acquires a sense of affluence and in a state of riches and power he offers help and protection to the weak because the well-assured soul is like a tree which has strong roots and is not shaken by any event. This cannot be attained except through complete faith and understanding.”

(Words of `Abdu’l-Baha, 29 November 1912, “Mahmud’s Diary”)


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Create in me a pure heart


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