Saturday, August 3, 2013

Faith and optimism

The one who has faith and believes freely, confidently, and actively, cherishes goodly aspirations and  brilliant hopes; thus, is positively thoughtful and intelligently happy, is a practical doer and a diligent translator of the highest ideals into actions that benefit and serve the others and oneself too.  

“O God! …whenever I ponder my grievous shortcomings and my great trespasses, despair assaileth me from every direction, and whenever I pause to meditate upon the ocean of Thy bounteousness and the heaven of Thy grace and the day-star of Thy tender compassion, I inhale the fragrance of hope diffused from right and left, from north and south, as if every created thing imparteth unto me the joyous tidings that the clouds of the heaven of Thy mercy will pour down their rain upon me.”  (Revealed by Baha'u'llah, “Tablets of Baha'u'llah”, p. 112)

Everyone, as long as is in this world of matter and surrounded by the physical laws which bind every existent being to relevant limitations, restrictions and imperfections, receives a share of crises, set-backs and disappointments.  This is part of the nature and of inseparable characteristics of the material world.  Individually, as well as collectively and only in a more dramatic fashion and severe magnitude, we all are, however in varying measures and times, the recipients of hardships and influenced by afflictions. Today the whole humanity is bowed down with trouble, sorrow and grief, often wondering helplessly and sadly, feeling lost without seeing any hopes and seemingly bereft of any light and inspirations guiding our way up and forward--“the world is wet with tears”, surrounded and immersed in trials and fears. 
“The wrong in the world continues to exist just because people talk only of their ideals, and do not strive to put them into practice. If actions took the place of words, the world’s misery would very soon be changed into comfort.” (Talk by `Abdu’l-Baha, “Paris Talks”, pp. 16-17)

Believing in high ideals and being joyous and positive of course in no ways means denials and ignorance of what is happening to oneself or to the humanity as a whole.  What it means and guides us to do instead is, not dwelling our attention and energies on them, but rather focusing our minds and thoughts on the nobler and higher horizons, holding on to the lofty handle of ‘faith’ which stands above and beyond the bumps and twists of the troubling limitations, pulling the realities of our being up and high by its unfailing aid and prevailing forces.   Albeit, however faithful and positive, the troubles and afflictions shall yet touch us, as is the nature and inseparable trait of this nether world and the undesired necessity of our physical life; but, when they descend on us they will affect and influence us only on the surface of our daily lives, unable to penetrate and alter the reality of our beings; the depths in our hearts and souls shall keep calm, developing to become ever more  peaceful and refined.  With such a spirit and confident focus on the forces of light, adapting such an attitude and noble discipline, while intelligently aware and observant of the challenges and unfavorable upsets though we are, the inner heart and essence of our minds and souls shall remain unmoved, unaffected, nay shall ever-increasingly brim with assurance, radiance and true joy.  A kind of confidence that while keeping our chin up under all conditions, is loyal to our own esteemed self and humbly-kind to others; a radiance and joy which is the brilliance of our own heart and mind and the guiding light that brightens the paths which others cross. 

“Spirituality is the greatest of God's gifts, and `Life Everlasting' means `Turning to God'.  May you, one and all, increase daily in spirituality, may you be strengthened in all goodness, may you be helped more and more by the Divine consolation, be made free by the Holy Spirit of God, and may the power of the Heavenly Kingdom live and work among you.  This is my earnest desire, and I pray to God to grant you this favour.” (`Abdu'l-Baha, "Paris Talks", p. 109-112)

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